ANT control
Ants are eusocial insects of the family Formicidaeand, along with the related families of wasps andbees, belong to the order Hymenoptera. They are adiverse group of more than 12,000 species. They livein colonies or nests and may have millions ofindividuals. Individuals are divided into sub-fertile,and more commonly sterile, females (“workers”,“soldiers”, and other castes), fertile males (“drones”),and fertile females (“queens”). There is a greatdiversity among ants and their behaviors. They rangein size from 2 to about 25 mm (about 0.08 to 1 inch).Their color may vary; most are red or black, butother colors can also be seen, including sometropical groups with a metallic luster. Ants can eatup crops specially which contains sugar or starch.Ant bite can give you a severe pain with swelling.Ants like carpenter ant can damage your furniture.
Approved By
- United states environmentalprotection agencyunited statesenvironmental protectionagency
- World Health Organization(WHO)
- Central Insecticide Board.
- Bureau of Indian Standards
Chemical Details
- Imidacloprid 21%
Chemical Features
- Eco Friendly
- Non Smell
- No Side Effect
- No Stain
control & prevention tips
- regularly mop the premise with disinfectants.
- keep the kitchen slab clean.
- keep all food article in air tightcontainers.
- consult a pest control companyfor routine check up anderadication of ants.