cockroach control
Embracing diversity pc tech Pest Control provides cockroach controlutilizing the latest methods of Integrated PestManagement. The main attractions for a cockroachare usually food, water and damp environment.Cockroaches are a public health concern as theycarry Salmonella bacteria- the organismsresponsible for food poisoning. They are nocturnaland are most active at night. They also can befound under the cleanest conditions. Cockroachesare the most common pests that spread germs. Forultimate cockroach prevention and cockroachcontrol, seal all holes and cracks that may providean inlet for a cockroach. Its important to keep thehouse clean. Cockroaches feast on everything rightfrom garbage to wallpaper paste, etc. But keepingyour home free of food particles will sendcockroaches packing in search of a dirtier place –and prevent you from all your pests.
Chemical Details
- Deltamethrin 2.5 SC
- Fipronil 0.03% or 0.05% (Gel)
- Imidacloprid 2.15% (Gel).
Approved By
- World Health Organization(WHO)
- Central Insecticide Board.
- Bureau of Indian Standards
Chemical Features
- Eco Friendly
- Non Smell
- No Side Effect
- No Stain
control & prevention tips
- control
- prevention
- good sanitation
- inspection
- initial insecticide application.(odourless spray, gel application,herbal paste etc.)